Monday, May 21, 2007

A name for our van

We have had quite a few entries into 'name the van competition' After great deliberation and discussions we have decided that the name will be..........(drum roll please).........Maisy. So Becky Marshall is our winner and gets the auspicious prize of....... a mention on our blog (wow that's a prize worth winning!!!).

Thanks for everyone who put on a comment. At least our van will have a name for the last few days of our rental!!

Bye for now, Linda & Penny


Anonymous said...

Where have you gone?!?! We need news. We need updates!! Quit having so much fun and go and sit in an internet cafe instead and keep your waiting public happy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda

Just caught up with May's travels and mentally noting points to give to my sister who is travelling to NZ with her family for a month this summer - they have a van for 3 weeks.

Following on from your 'sermonizing', Linda, Living Room led a fabulous morning service at the beginning of Christian Aid week. So good to see them in action in front of a full congregation - drama, mimes, mexican wave participated in by all the congregation, Tim (Jones) doing 'the talk' in his own very natural, unassuming way, hymns, Coldplay - fix you etc etc. A lovely service all round - you would have been very proud of them.

The exam season is now in full swing back here - Jon has a full week of AS's next week but is working hard. Abi has done SATS and is chilling until the beginning of Year 10!

Lookforward to my next read of the blog. Take care, love Helen Weir

sarah said...

Glad to find some more blogginess on line. Ive missed reading about your many adventures.
Your're certainly getting around!
Were both fine. Finished my palliative diploma now and hoping for a bit of a rest from studying for a while. On holiday this week and doing lots of painting and decorating. Fancy swopping??
Take care,
love S & S xx