Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hello one and all

Here are my long over due highs and lows from Australia.....

The great barrier reef was so fascinating. A real highlight was getting to grips with snorkeling. I had only done it a couple of times before and not felt very confident at it then. It was great to have the opportunity and the time to do so much snorkeling in such amazing surroundings with so much to see. Its a very relaxing way to see the marine life. Swimming with turtles was lovely, they have this way of making you feel so laid back and relaxed!! The giant clams were also awesome, I felt that they might swallow me up, they were so big!!! The day trip to Lizard Island and sailing in the Whitsundays were also such a treat and I hope will stay with me for a long, long time. Enough about that, I could go on for ages!!

Another highlight was seeing my family in Melbourne. Spending some time with my Auntie and Uncle was great. Camping with my cousins was such fun (even without showers for 3 days!). Sitting out under the night sky, staring at the stars was stunning, the sky seems so much bigger in Australia! We were so well looked after by my family and it was lovely to spend some time with them.

My only low is sight seeing fatigue!! Travelling is such a privilege but at times it is so tiring and like anything at times I feel I just need a small break! It became more heightened in Australia because we have seen so many amazing places and sights but at times its all a bit much!! However, I wouldn't change what I am doing and am really enjoying this opportunity to see the world. It really is an opportunity of a lifetime. Australia is an amazing country with lovely people and so much to see. We really only saw a fraction of the country and there is so much more to see....next time!!!

Well that's my highs and lows of Oz. Thanks for reading.

Love Penny xx

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hello, it sounds wonderful. I cant wait until November when we go back again. You have certainly given me itchy feet again..or should that be smelly?
Looking forward to the next episode.
love sarah and simonxx