Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hi all,

today we got up at 5.30am (urgh!) to be ready and breakfasted by 7am to be picked up for a visit to Ang Thong National Park (a group of 43 protected islands off Koh Samui where the film "The Beach" was filmed) - gorgeous white sandy beaches and blue/green/turquoise waters etc - a lovely relaxed day of kayaking for an hour around one of the islands, then snorkeling, a thai buffet style lunch on the boat, more sight seeing and a very steep stepped walk up to a viewing platform for a fantastic lagoon situated in the middle of one of the islands - WOW!

We had hoped to go to church this morning, but asking locally and internet searches brought no joy, but hopefully we can find somewhere in Penang next week (Malaysia).

Tomorrow morning, bright and early (6.30) we leave Koh Samui and head off to Koah Sok in central Thailand to a rainforest/jungle area for two nights (assuming our internet booking worked OK!) and then on to Penang, a Malaysian island that is meant to be a "mini Malaysia".

It's hard to believe that we're only just over two weeks into our 6 months - it seems that so much has happened and we've already seen quite a few places, but it's great knowing that even if we have to get up early or have a very broken night's sleep when travelling - it doesn't really matter coz we haven't got to go to work! (sorry, don't mean to rub it in!).

Anyway, need to sort a few things out then go eat, so will be in touch again probably in a few days.

With love, Linda xx


Anonymous said...

You must just be lovin gthose early mornings!! ;)

Andy Williams said...

Good to read your blog. Sounds fantastic.
We didn't get to Woolhope last weekend because of the snow - even worse there than here - but went to my mother's house instead whicg went well - lots of snowballing and looking at floods in the park.
Stu starts work tomorrow so that will be good. He's got lots to do to drag us into the 21st century!
God bless

Phil Lane said...

Hi Penny,

Just got time to catch up on all you've written so far - sounds like you've packed a lot into the first couple of weeks. We're all well - Sam on half term this week and my parents arrive tomorrow evening for a weeks visit. Oh and we're off to see Lily Allen in Brussels next week - first concert in far too long! Well done on your dive, very adventurous.
lots of love! Rachel